cookieChoices = {}; Payton's Blog: CASEY ANTHONY PREGNANT?! TRUE OR NOT?

Thursday, July 18, 2013



So supposedly Casey Anthony is pregnant again, what?! Has to be bullcrap. I HOPE it's bullcrap, especially because the only post I've seen about it is National Enquirer's post. The post said that the man was very wealthy, that Casey is having twins, and PLANNING TO NAME ONE CAYLEE!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! Who does that?! The post then went on to say that the man/father is Charlie Sheen. At this point I knew that majority or the whole post was not true. If Casey Anthony is really pregnant good for her, not the poor child. If Casey Anthony really isn't pregnant again then that's even better but whoever's sick twisted mind made that up is purely evil.

What do you think? Any other sources proving whether this is true or not? Tell me!!! EMAIL ME!! Include links and pictures!!

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